Friday, October 21, 2016

Night Owl Suspense Give Five Star Review to The Angel of Highgate

Does reading suspense novels keep you up late at night? Yes? Have we got a web site for you. Night Owl Suspense reads and reviews the latest and greatest titles in suspense/thriller genres.

Recently they gave The Angel of Highgate their highest rating, 5 Stars, and named the novel a "Top Pick."

You can read the very well review on their website by clicking the link below:

Night Owl Suspense Review

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Angel of Highgate is one of six shortlisted titles for the Dracula Society's Children of the Night Award

The London based Dracula Society recently released the shortlist for its Children of the Night Award, which is given each year for the best gothic novel.

I'm pleased and proud to announce that The Angel of Highgate is one of six nominated novels! Winner to be announced some time in September Yipppeeee! And as they say, "it's an honour just to be nominated."

Here below is the shortlist as published in the Dracula Society's monthly newsletter. Some very big names in there, such as David Mitchell, author of The Bone Clocks and Sky Atlas!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Dracula has shortlisted me!

Well, okay, not Dracula per se, but a very kind lady recently Tweeted to let me know that The Angel of Highgate has been shortlisted for The Dracula Society's Children of the Night Award.

The COFTN award is given annually to the previous years best novel employing aspects of the gothic. As they say at the Oscars, it's an honour just to be nominated, especially when you hear some of the names of authors who won the award or were shortlisted:

Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett, Sara Waters, Kim Newman, and so on. Talk about being in some stellar company!

Needless to say, I recently joined The Dracula Society and will be releasing updates as soon as I hear more. The shortlisted authors were announced in a recent copy of the society's journal and are not yet up on the website, but you can check out the London-based society and the COFTN award at their website:

The Dracula Society website:

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

What is your literary wisdom IQ? Five stars!

The website Literary Wisdom recently posted a review of The Angel of Highgate and it was an absolute five star corker!

Now and then you run into a review who absolutely "gets" what the book is about and that is the case in this instance book reviewer Lauren (a Scots lassie) was sucked into the book from the very opening.

In fact, she was so taken with the novel we ended up doing an author interview together that you read directly after her review:

Literary Wisdom interview with Vaughn Entwistle

Sunday, May 1, 2016

A "Fun and intense book": Web Site SF Reader Reviews The Angel of Highgate

SF Reader review Jack Primus gave The Angel of Highgate a solid 4 1/2 star review. His only reservations were the lack of solid supernatural underpinnings to the novel. It is an observation I soundly agree with, for I wrote the novel to be open-ended (especially the ending) so that a reader could decided for his or her self whether the supernatural elements were real or imagined by the protagonist, the louche Lord Geoffrey Thraxton.

Mister Primus' excellent review can be in full at:

SF Reader review of The Angel of Highgate

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Rising Shadows' Review of The Revenant of Thraxton Hall

Even though the Revenant of Thraxton Hall has been out for more than a year now, it is still managing to generate terrific reviews, including this one from the largest sic-fi and fantasy site, Rising Shadows. The reviewer, Sirgil of Rhiminee, had recently reviewed my latest now, The Angel of Highgate and pronounced it "one of the best Victorian novels of the year."

The reviewer expressed interest in seeing what else i had written, and then shortly after this killer review of the Revenant appeared on their site.  It's a long and well-thought out review, which makes it all the more sweet for me.

You can read their terrific review here:

Rising Shadow's review of Vaughn Entwistle's The Revenant of Thraxton Hall